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Patient Presence


Providing compassionate guidance through life changes, loss and death.



"Carol is a loving, calm, and uplifting presence for those struggling with, or enduring a grief process. She is able to customize care and support based on her clients needs. I found her to be respectful, engaging, kind and even funny at times. Her knowledge and experience came through with a warmth that comforted me during such a difficult time in my life. She opened my eyes to not just the process of having recently lost someone very close to me, but to the impact of many types of grief one can experience in their lifetime. She supported me, and provided perspective and tools to open new ways of thinking and feeling about loss and life. I highly recommend her services in any capacity involving grief, death or end of life planning."

Wendy Clickner Prescott

About our logo

I am a grief educator and a non-medical professional who assists a dying person and their loved ones before, during and after death. The double P (Patient Presence) at the center of my logo stands for my commitment to providing solid and reliable service to my clients.  The Möbius strip intertwined with the Ps represents the continuity and connectedness of energy throughout life and death. It is a symbol of unity and non-duality. The design shows that the two sides, the inside and outside, are joined together and become one side, connected in an endless ribbon. It has been used as a symbol of infinity.

Special thanks to Jennifer Geldard, who designed my logo.  Jennifer Scott Geldard - Artist (


The amount of grief we feel is equal to the amount of love we feel.  Grief can be experienced from the loss of loved ones and pets; relationship separations and divorce; a serious diagnosis; neglect and abuse; the loss of identity; and trauma. You can feel safe with me.


An End-of-Life (EOL) Doula is a non-medical professional who provides physical, emotional, and spiritual support to patients and families.  This holistic support for the dying and their loved ones occurs before, during and after death.


As a Care Consultant, I will guide you through all aspects of Advance Care Planning and the development of a Living Well End of Life Plan.  I will provide subjective information so you can make informed decisions.


Upcoming Events

Bay Path Evening School - enrollment starts on 12AUG24

Working Through Grief
The amount of grief we feel is equal to the amount of love we feel.  Grief can be experienced from the loss of loved ones and pets; relationship separations and divorce; a serious diagnosis; neglect and abuse; the loss of identity; and trauma.  We’ll learn about the types of grief and how to incorporate it into our new reality.

8 weeks/8 hours
Mondays, September 9 - November 4
(No class on October 14)
6:30 - 7:30 pm

Conversations about Death and Dying

Are you caring for aging loved ones?  Do you understand Advance Directives, POLST, DNR, and pacing for ADL?  Does your loved one have a living well end of life plan?  Do you know what your loved one wants at the end of their life?  Do you know what you want?

We’ll review what hospice care is, Advance Directives, how to have this conversation with your loved ones, and end of life plans to maintain the highest quality of life.

12 weeks/12 hours
Tuesdays, September 10 - December 17
(No class on September 24, November 12 & 19)
6:30 - 7:30 pm


"What is an Advance Directive and Why Do I Need One?"

Charlton, MA Senior Center August 29, 2024

East Brookfield, MA Senior Center September 20, 2024

West Brookfield, MA Senior Center September 30, 2024



The Massachusetts Councils on Aging Fall Conference

Falmouth, MA October 24, 2024

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